Mr Ilimo Nawaibalavu:
Mr Ilimo is a graduate from the Young Farmers Course in the year 2007. Upon graduating from the young farmers course Ilimo managed to build a three bedroom from the money his Tutu farm as well as his home farm. Ilimo is married to Losalini Qatea. After graduation he was left to continue with his farming business without any monitoring and the responsibility of a family gave him the urge to continue on his farming business sustainably.
2007 graduate Mr Ilimo Nawaibalavu in his home
Ms Mereani Teresia:
Mereani Teresia is from the village of Salia in the province of Cakaudrove, she is a former graduate of the 2019 single women’s course. Upon graduation Mereani managed to purchase an electric sewing machine from the money she earned from her sales of vegetables and other skills like jewelry making, screen printing, sewing and traditional handicraft. Today Mereani continues her sewing and runs her small micro enterprise where she sells to the local community members
Mereani Teresia operating her small micro enterprise
Mr Waisele Lomaoso:
Mr Lomaoso is a current participant for our young farmers program and is from the village of Nukubolu from the province of Cakaudrove. Mr Lomaoso is currently on home program and continues on with the building of his three bedroom house and is nearly in completion. Mr Lomaoso only have primary education and resorted back to village life before completing his primary education. Mr Lomaoso currently works on his goal of completing his three bedroom house and is integrating sustainable farming practices at his home farm
Mr. Lomaoso infront of his house being built